Connect Ventures invests in Italian startup Urlist

The Italian startup Urlist, which lauched a collaborative platform that allows users to list, organize and share online lists of links related to each topic, raised a seed investment by Connect Ventures (lead investor) and LVenture (follower). The latter had already supported Urlist through its incubator EnLabs. The terms of the investment were not disclosed.

Alberto Granzotto, CEO & Co-founder of Urlist, commented: “We all love making lists and the web is also a projection of our everyday life. Any search on the web is a list, each argument can be summarized in an organized list of links. Urlist was created to meet this simple need: categorize collaboratively and share a collection of web content and resources, in private or in groups. The added value of Urlist is that it is suitable for anyone with a passion or interest that wants to share and expand. “

For Connect Ventures, a 21 million euros venture capital fund specialized in web startups (that we recently discussed here), is the fifth European investment in six months after its birth, the first made in Italy.

Pietro Bezza, Connect Ventures Founder and Managing Partner, said: “In Urlist we loved the idea of “listing url” as an easy, useful and fun way to reorganize through collaboration the huge amount of informations available on the net. We believe that Urlist team has the talent and the determination to execute this vision at their best”.

Urlist has been selected to participate to TechCrunch Italy, tomorrow in Rome, where they probably will officially announce the investment and maybe reveal numbers.

At Startupbusiness, we appreciate Urlist sinche the very beginning and we selected them to partecipate to Percorsi dell’Innovazione – Smau in 2010.
So we wish them to achieve the best, the entrance of a partner like Connect Ventures in the capital will bring lots of changes and advantages to them.






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